AKIMITSU KAMORI, Attorney at Law

Born December 15, 1953; Hometown: Fukuoka
Admitted to bar, 1982; 1988; New York.

Education : Oita-Uenogaoka High School (Diploma, 1972; transferred from Kagoshima La Salle High School in 1970);
The University Tokyo, College of Arts and Sciences, Liberal Arts I (Matriculation, 1972; Diploma, 1974);
The University of Tokyo (LL.B., Private Law, 1978; LL.B., Public Law, 1980);
Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan (Diploma, 1982);
Yale University (Diploma, American Law, 1986);
Cornell Law School (LL.M., 1987).
: Blakemore & Mitsuki, Tokyo, Japan (Partner, 1999-).
Mr. Kamori commenced his legal career at the Tokyo, Japan law firm of Nishimura & Partners, in 1982, and worked as an associate in Dewey Ballantine LLP, a major New York law firm and reputable in the field of mergers and acquisitions, from 1988 through 1994.
Member : The Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association; American Bar Association; New York State Bar Association; The Association of the Bar of the City of New York;Corporate Law and Bankruptcy Law Committees of The Dai-ichi Tokyo Bar Associateion; A.I.P.P.I.
Author : U.S. NASDAQ Listing Guide, Chuo Keizai-sha, 1995. Co-Author/Co-Editior: International Lawyers' Practice Data File, Chuo Keizai-sha, 2000; Co-Author: New Bankruptcy Law, Shin-nihon-hoki, 2005.
Languages : Japanese and English.
Practice Areas : Corporate; Securities Law; Intellectual Property; Litigation.